The jews of yemen

In 1922, the government of Yemen reintroduced an ancient Islamic law-requiring that Jewish orphans under age 12 be forcibly converted to Islam.

Pearl harbor

The attack killed 2,403 U.S. personnel, including 68 civilians. President Roosevelt said” we will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.” After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, there were approximately 3 million Japanese deaths.

Speed kills

Have you noticed that practically nobody pays attention to speed limits. What’s the rush? It’s not a race. Please be careful and drive defensively, because the life you save could be yours.

Over or under

Hello and thanks to everyone who weighed in on the dishwasher conundrum, haphazardly clearly won the day. The next issue that Mrs. CE and I are battling is the old question of how to install toilet paper. Your guidance is appreciated.

Enjoy the weekend


Loading A dishwasher

Please help settle an ongoing issue between me and Mrs. CE. What is the correct way to load a dishwasher? Front to back? Back to front? Haphazardly?

Many thanks


Hermit syndrome

As you know CE rarely if ever gives advice. However it has come to CE’s attention that there is a Covid-19 crisis brewing that needs immediate attention. For the past three years CE and others similarly situated (the over 65 crowd and the under 5 year old crowd) have suffered from what CE likes to call the “hermit syndrome”. We have been out of touch with anyone other than our immediate Covid safe circle and we have lost touch with our former social selves. As a result, and after a disastrous thanksgiving, Mrs. CE is conducting an etiquette intervention and is slowly reintroducing CE to civil society. Stay tuned for updates.

Another garbage complaiNt

Why when collecting the trash do airline staff walk extraordinarily quickly down the isle and seemingly make every effort to avoid eye contact?

The other side of gun control

It’s not the gun, it’s the bullets. Let’s get the bullets off the shelves. If we can’t regulate gun sales, let’s regulate and register the sale of bullets.

Yom kippur

For those who are fasting CE wishes you a tolerable and meaningful fast, and g’mar chatima tova - may we all be inscribed for another year in the book of life

Our new reality

CE just received notification that prior to undergoing a colonoscopy CE must take a PCR test. Upon further inquiry CE learned that the hospital staff does not need to take a PCR test. does this make sense?

History lessons. When will we ever learn?

Pastor Martin Niemöller

was a German theologian and Lutheran pastor. He is best known for his opposition to the Nazi regime during the late 1930s and for his widely quoted 1946 poem "First they came ...

“First they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

What’s happening?

Many of us are watching in horror and disbelief as Afghan people desperate for their lives continue to crowd the airport in Kabul, hoping against hope that they can get on flights to safety. As the minutes tick by, the danger facing at-risk Afghans only increases, while their options for protection are practically nill. The borders to their neighboring countries are officially closed, and there are no mechanisms in place for in-country refugee processing.

What should we do?

Having experienced the Taliban’s brutal force firsthand, Malala Yousafzai is also skeptical that the group will govern any differently now. “Like many women, I fear for my Afghan sisters,” she wrote in an essay for Times Opinion. In recent years, women have been able to study and work. “I cannot imagine losing it all — going back to a life defined for me by men with guns.”

For this reason, Yousafzai urges those watching this crisis unfold to focus on what matters most. “We will have time to debate what went wrong in the war in Afghanistan, but in this critical moment we must listen to the voices of Afghan women and girls. They are asking for protection, for education, for the freedom and the future they were promised. We cannot continue to fail them. We have no time to spare.”

— Jennifer Brown

“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” Hillel

KABUL, Afghanistan — Farzana Ahmadi watched as a neighbor in her village in northern Afghanistan was flogged by Taliban fighters last month. The crime: Her face was uncovered.

“Every woman should cover their eyes,” Ms. Ahmadi recalled one Taliban member saying. People silently watched as the beating dragged on.

Fear — even more potent than in years past — is gripping Afghans now that U.S. and NATO forces will depart the country , they will leave behind a publicly triumphant Taliban, who will seize territory and reinstitute many of the same oppressive rules they enforced under their regime in the 1990s.

The New York Times spoke to many Afghan women — members of civil society, politicians, journalists and others — about what comes next in their country, and they all said the same thing: Whatever happens will not bode well for them.


A CE success in the rear view mirror with an immediate challenge ahead

CE takes great pride that the use of “like” and “you know” has for all intents and purposes become a vestige of the past for CE subscribers. Horrifying however, we have shockingly noticed that “honestly” has now become lexicon enemy # 1. The implication of beginning a sentence with “honestly”, suggests a lack of veracity and trustworthiness in your comments and observations. Please take heed and let us strive to communicate with the goal of being open and transparent. Undoubtedly, honest communication will eliminate the need to emphasize when we are being honest.

Inside baseball

Where there’s a Will there’s a relative